Choreography Saga
We will go through the process of implementing the 12st Mall using Axon, a specialized framework supporting Event Sourcing, Domain-Driven Development, and CQRS.
Specifically, we'll learn about framework-level code that orchestrates commands based on domain events.
EventStorming Model Preparation
- Open the model in a new tab using the link : Model Link
- If the model doesn't load, click on the avatar icon (person shape) in the upper right, log in with your Github account, and then reload.
- Verify that the stickers appear in the right palette area.
- Click on the Fork icon in the top menu to clone the model.
Orchestration Saga Scenario
- An OrderPlaced event is generated in response to an order command.
- The Order Saga process is triggered by the OrderPlaced event.
- The Saga Process invokes the start delivery command and generates a DeliveryStarted event.
- Subsequently, a stock deduction command is invoked, leading to the creation of a StockDecreased event.
- The Saga Process concludes with the procedure to update the final order status.
- If an error occurs during any command invocation, Compensation Logic is executed for each.
Saga Modeling
- Click on the Fork menu at the top.
- Orchestrate the cloned model as follows:
Process Orchestration
The rules for orchestrating the Saga model are as follows:
- Connect stickers with lines: 'From Sticker' > 'To Sticker'
- Click on mapping relations to label them. Labels indicate the execution order.
- Among the labels, processes marked with '가' are Compensation Trx processes.
- OrderPlaced > Order Saga, (1.start)
- Order Saga > start delivery, (2)
- DeliveryStarted > Order Saga, (3)
- Order Saga > decrease stock, (4)
- StockDecreased > Order Saga, (5)
- Order Saga > update status, (6)
- OrderCompleted > Order Saga, (7.end)
- Order Saga > order cancel, (2')
- Order Saga > cancel delivery, (4')
The orchestrated Saga model looks like this:
Code Generation and Push to My Git Repository
- Click on Git icon in Code Preview to push the generated code to your repository.
- GitPod 환경에서 로딩한다.
Verify Axon Server
infra > docker-compose.yml
- Axon Server uses port 8024 for the dashboard and 8124 for gRPC messaging.
- A Token Store (MySQL) for managing offset tokens is created during Lab execution.
Orchestration Saga Code Completion
Product Service
Complete the business logic in the product domain code.
- Add code to throw a domain error if there is insufficient stock in the @DecreaseStockCommand.
# ProductAggregate - @DecreaseStockCommand throw an exception for insufficient stock
if(this.getStock() < command.getStock()) throw new IllegalStateException("Out of Stock. !"); // Add this line
- Add the following code to in the product service:
# @EventSourcingHandler :: StockIncreasedEvent :
setStock(getStock() + event.getStock()); // Add this line
# @EventSourcingHandler :: StockDecreasedEvent :
setStock(getStock() - event.getStock()); // Add this line
Order Service
Complete the business logic in the order domain code.
- Add the following code to in the order service:
# @EventSourcingHandler :: OrderPlacedEvent :
setStatus("OrderPlaced"); // Add this line
# @EventSourcingHandler :: OrderCompletedEvent :
setStatus("OrderCompleted"); // Add this line
# @EventSourcingHandler :: OrderCancelledEvent :
setStatus("OrderCancelled"); // Add this line
Delivery Service
Complete the business logic in the delivery domain code.
- Add the following code to in the delivery service:
# @EventSourcingHandler :: DeliveryStartedEvent :
setStatus("DeliveryStarted"); // Add this line
# @EventSourcingHandler :: DeliveryCancelledEvent :
setStatus("DeliveryCancelled"); // Add this line
Complete the OrderSaga code to perform the order orchestration.
1. Saga Start
- Set correlation key from the OrderPlaced event: Line 24
@SagaEventHandler(associationProperty = "orderId")
2. Generate and Invoke Start Delivery Command: Line 27
# If delivery fails, handle compensation: OrderCancelCommand
orderCancelCommand.setOrderId(event.getOrderId()); // Add this line
3. Set Correlation Key from DeliveryStartedEvent
@SagaEventHandler(associationProperty = "orderId")
4. Generate and Invoke Decrease Stock Command
# If stock deduction fails, handle compensation: CancelDeliveryCommand
cancelDeliveryCommand.setDeliveryId(event.getDeliveryId()); // Add this line
5. Set Correlation Key from StockDecreasedEvent
@SagaEventHandler(associationProperty = "orderId")
6. Generate and Invoke Order Completed Command
7. Saga End
- Set Correlation Key from OrderCompletedEvent
@SagaEventHandler(associationProperty = "orderId")
- End Saga Process
12st Mall Test
- Test the Axon Saga-based mall using Rest API.
- First, build the Common API:
cd common-api
mvn clean install
- Run each microservice:
# new terminal
cd order
mvn clean spring-boot:run
# new terminal
cd product
mvn clean spring-boot:run
# new terminal
cd delivery
mvn clean spring-boot:run
- Register a test product in the product service (:8082):
# new terminal
http POST :8082/products productName=TV stock=100
- Copy the product ID.
- Create an order for purchasing 10 TVs using the copied product ID:
http POST :8081/orders productId=[상품 Id] productName=TV qty=10 userId=1001
- Copy the order ID.
12st Mall Saga Compensation Verification
Create an Order
- Create an order to purchase 100 TVs using the product ID, and copy the order number:
http POST :8081/orders productId=[상품 Id] productName=TV qty=100 userId=1001
- The product service returns an error since the quantity exceeds the available stock.
- Check the final status and event history of the created order using the order number:
http GET :8081/orders/[Order Number]
http GET :8081/orders/[Order Number]/events
- Check the delivery status in the delivery service:
http GET :8083/deliveries
[Extension Mission] - Order Service Debugging
- Stop the order service.
- Add breakpoints for each SagaEventHandler in OrderSaga.
- Run the order service in debug mode.
- Create a new order and observe the orchestration flow by checking the Debug Points.
- Test by placing an order with a quantity greater than the available stock.